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Guerrilla History

Nov 29, 2024

In this episode of Guerrilla History, we bring on the translator/editors of the new translation of Capital Vol. 1 by Karl Marx.  We discuss, in addition to other things, the reasons why it was decided that this new translation was needed, the political background to making that decision, why the 2nd German Edition was used for making the translation from, why these introductions were used, whether there will be translations of the subsequent volumes of Capital and if a paperback edition will come out, and more!  An enlightening discussion, lots of food for thought, and plenty of room for constructive dialogue and critique - let us know what you think of the conversation! 

Paul North is the Maurice Natanson Professor of German at Yale University. His books include The Yield: Kafka’s Atheological Reformation.

Paul Reitter is professor of Germanic languages and literatures and former director of the Humanities Institute at the Ohio State University. His translations include The Autobiography of Solomon Maimon.

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